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Location:Home Investment Platform Text

Lucknow Stock:Goldman Sachs Raises China Economic Growth Forecasts

Admin88 2024-10-29 29 0

Goldman Sachs Raises China Economic Growth Forecasts

A VISITOR LEARNS About A DriverLess Aircraft at the Smart Mobility Zone During the Third Global Digital Trade Expo in Hangzhou, East China's ZhejiangInc e, septLucknow Stock. 25, 2024. (XINHUA/Huang Zongzhi)

China's Gross Demestic Product (GDP) Would Expand by 4.9 Percent IN 2024, up from an Earlier Forecast of 4.7 Percent, According to Goldman Sachs.New Delhi Stock Exchange

Goldman Sachs On Sunday Lifted ITS Forecasts on China's Economic Growth for 2024 and 2025 on the GROUNDS of the Country's Recent PROWTH Measures.

CHINA's Gross Dometmic Product (GDP) Would Expand by 4.9 Percent IN 2024, up from an Earlier Forecast of 4.7 Percent, According to a Report by the Investment Bank.

Meanwhile, Goldman Sachs Forecasted that the Chinese Economy Would Grow by 4.7 Percent Next year, up from the previous foreast of 4.3 Percent.

"The Latest Round of China Stimulus Indicates that Policymakers Have Made A Turn on CyClical Policy Management and Increases on the Economy," SAID E. Conomists with Goldman Sachs.

China Posted 5.2 Percent of GDP Growth in 2023 and Set a Target of Economic Growth at ARound 5 Percent for 2024.Kolkata Wealth Management

Hyderabad Stocks

Article Address: http://meherpurquickbazar.com/IP/94.html

Article Source:Admin88

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