The Clean Energy Industry Has Recently Garnered Marked Attention, As it Does Not only Mitigate Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions, but it also server instation a Venue, Which May Propel The size of the stock Market. With this backdrop, this Study AimsTo Assess WHETHER CLEAN ENERGY AUGMENTS The SIZE of the Stock Markets in China, Utilizing the Wavelet Coherence (WCA) and the Breitelon Spectrative Causality Y Approaches. The Empirical Analysis Shows that Clean Energy Has SIGNIFICNT POSITIVE EFFECT On The Development of Both the Shanghai andThe shenzhen Stock Markets Across Different Times and FrequenciesNew Delhi Investment. The Spectral Causality Approach FURTHER AFFIRMS The Lead-Lag Relationship Between Clean EN EN Ericy and China's Stock Market Development Across Frequencies. Based on theSe Findings, We Suggest that the Chinese Goveernment Should the Way for CLEANenergy projects, which will bolster both domestic and foreign investment, eventually, boosting China's stock growthVaranasi Wealth Management. The study offers actionable insights for environmentally conscious and energy investors. It highlights the significance of clean energy in China's stock market for achieving sustainable development in China.
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